Meditation according to Merriam Webster is to engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one's breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.
Meditation is great to relieve stress and anxiety. Many people meditate to get a sense of self, spiritual awareness, and relaxation. It is a great way to disconnect from the physical and material world around you.
There are multiple ways you can meditate. However, no matter what way you meditate, focus and good intention is very important.
When we meditate a lot of times it is hard to find balance, focus, and to be grounded. You have to really dig deep within yourself to find this. Down below, I listed some tips for a good mediation.
Tips for a good meditation:
Focus on a color to start with
Focus on a happy place
Play a guided meditation
Sit in a quiet/tranquil space
Make time for meditation
Sit on the ground (it helps to feel grounded)
Light a candle for great smells to concentrate better
Meditate in low lighting
Make sure you're in comfortable clothes
Focus on your breathe
Listening to calming music with the right frequency can ease the mood
Go into meditation with positive vibes
Go into the meditation with the intent of clarity and relief